Google Summer of Code 2019

Google Summer of Code 2019

The Zulip Open Source Project - Work Product


For the summer of 2019, I got the opportunity to work as a Student Contributor for The Zulip Open Source Project under Google Summer of Code.

An overview of my project and work with Zulip can be found here.

My Experience:

My summer with Zulip was spent working on issues in various areas of the project including the Notification System, LDAP Integration fixes, adding new features to the UI and writing test suites for the code I wrote.

Zulip’s incredible developer documentation and the helpful nature of the entire Zulip community made my work very easy during the summer. I am extremely grateful to my mentor Harshit Bansal, and Zulip admins Tim Abbott & Rishi Gupta for all the help that they provided throughout the summer.

The entire Zulip community is one of the best and most friendly Open Source communities that I have come across in my in short tenure as an OSS Contributor. The product itself is a very important part of this tight-knit community because it enables contributors, admins and general users to interact without much hassle.

Contribution to Zulip :

With the help of my mentors, I was able to accomplish a lot during the summer. My (official) work product for GSoC 2019 can be found here.

There still are a number of Pull requests that are awaiting review as I continue working on them after the conclusion of GSoC. A list of all my open PRs can be found here.

Post GSoC’19:

Working with Zulip has been a great learning experience. Being able to work on an amazing product and to know that any contribution I made impacted thousands of people was something I will cherish for a long time. I am sure that this experience will be an invaluable resource as I step into the Software development world.

I look forward to continue contributing to Zulip (and other Open Source projects) post GSoC. I will be working on issues that I picked up towards the end of GSoC and also any new issues that I can pick up in the future.

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